التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Houthis Dominate All of Sa’ada; Clashes Grow with Houthi-Backed Tribesmen in Amran and Al-Jawf

Moneer Al-Omari

Following fierce clashes between Houthi followers and army forces, informed sources revealed that armed forces restored Al-Husamah, a strategic area in Al-Malahedh district on the Yemeni-Saudi borders.
The army, according to local sources, is losing control of most Sa’ada districts with Houthis recently taking over Shadha and Razeh districts.
Other areas in Al-Malahedh district like Bani Qais, Dhahel and Hadish Mountain have seen the fiercest clashes ever and the army forces managed to restore Al-Husamah which was taken over last week by Houthis.
Sa’ada controlled by Houthis
Following five consecutive and intermittent wars between Houthi followers and army and security forces in Sa’ada, Houthi movement – also known previously as Believing Youth Organization – has gained more power and the organization’s followers are now in tens of thousands.
The movement that started with a few hundreds of fighters has now thousands of followers fully armed with medium-sized and small weapons. They are also well trained on guerrilla wars – a reason that made it difficult for the army and security forces to make insignificant success in their war with them.
Now, Houthis dominate the whole Sa’ada and the presence of army and security forces as well as state authorities is formal. Houthis are the real actors in Sa’ada and they run everything in the province.
Previously, Houthis managed to dominate Ghamar district after they had managed to drive the pro-government and strong arch foe Sheikh Ali Dhafer out of Ghamer district.
Unconfirmed reports speak of Dhafer surrending to Houthis after he was besieged by them for several months. Dhafer who lost his son in the recent clashes with Houthis was let down by the state or army and security units positioned there. It said that he left the district following tribal mediations.
Local sources confirmed that Houthi rebels also took over last week the governmental complex in Shadha following violent clashes with army forces that were forced to leave for other areas, but Houthis hunted them down. Houthis also took over Al-Muthalth strategic area which links Razeh, Shadha and Al-Malahedh districts.
Local sources noted that Houthis are expected to take over Al-Malahedh during the few coming days. The army – in the sixth war of Sa’ada – is fighting in several fronts and it is said that the powerful southern military leader Thabet Jawas – who observers consider to be the one who killed Hussein Al-Houthi in the first Sa’ada war – is leading the confrontations in this district.
Two months ago, Houthi followers dominated Saqeen after the pro-government resistance tribesmen left for other areas.
There are also confrontations between Houthi followers and army forces in other districts of Sa’ada like Sahar and Al-Mahather and the recent clashes were fought with heavy and medium-sized weapons.
Meetings at the Saudi side
Al-Sahwa.net, the organ of the Islamist Islah Party, reported that Houthi field leader in Al-Malahedh met with the Saudi local leader of border forces and the former told the Saudis that they have no problems with Saudi Arabia; rather Houthi have problems are with the Yemeni regime.
This came few days after Houthis – in a released statement – stated that the army forces used the Saudi lands to besiege them in Al-Husamah area. The statement said this took place following joint coordination between the Yemeni and Saudi sides.
Shiite Council’s statement
The Lebanon-based Shiite Council – considering themselves to be the only authority for Arab Shiite – called Houthi rebels in Yemen for the renunciation of sedition and not to follow dubious forces. The council also called on them to give priority to Yemeni people’s interests and not to allow any external forces to exploit them to realize their interests.
Mohammed Ali Al-Huseini, the Secretary General of Shiite Council, called what he called Yemeni Shiite to be vigilant and to work for ending the sedition in their country and to come to the level of the national responsibility.
He added that they are following the news speaking about the regretful clashes in Yemen between people having the same race and religion, noting the current scenario serves none but the interests of foreign forces.
For their part, Houthis rejected the statement of the Shiite Council and considered it to be interference in business which is not theirs.
War extending outside Sa’ada
Several observer and tribesmen stress that Houthis are behind the war fought between Al-Ausimat – Hashed Tribe – and Sufian. The war has so far left dozens of tribesmen killed of both warring sides.
Sources pointed out that Houthi followers support Sufian tribesmen who managed to take over one of Sheikh Abdullah Al-Ahmar’s houses in Al-Ausimat area.


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