التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من مارس, 2015

Yemen: Zero Governance and Accountability

By: Moneer Al-Omari* Yemen ranks 161 out of 175 countries in Corruption Perceptions Index (2014), issued by the Transparency International, and the country's overall score was 19 out of 100. Like Yemen, most Arab countries score low on this index. Likewise, Yemen scores low (11 out of 100) in the Open Budget Survey of 2012, produced by the International Budget Partnership, which seeks to investigate budget transparency and accountability and promote public access to budget information during the budget cycle as well as assessing the strength of auditing and oversight institutions and public engagement. This means that the government provides scant information to the public during the different budgeting cycle and reporting period, in terms of preparation, implementation and oversight. This poor performance in fighting corruption has been attributed by experts to the fact that the country has made a little or no effort to fight corruption in its different manifest...