التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, 2009

New Study Blames Increased Unemployment Rates on Lack of Proper Planning and Poor Quality of University Outputs

According to a recent study, the increased rates of unemployment among youth generations in Yemen can be blamed on the weak curricula and the poor quality of education, including both school and university education. The study prepared and implemented by the Yemeni Center for Social Studies and Market Research pointed out that high rates of unemployment is blamed on the weak university outputs, lack of coordination between the universities and the private sector, lack of interest in scientific research and the poor quality of university equipments, libraries and labs. The study, conducted in four government universities and three private universities, also blamed the changing culture which gives more respect to rich people, irrespective of the source of their money, and gives no respect for education and educated people. Dr. Abdullah Al-Olufi hinted that the universities as well as the society paid dearly for the state’s policy which adopted expansion of university education with...