التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من يناير, 2009

Businessmen Lose $ 2 Billion; Effects of World Financial Crisis on Yemen Unrecognized

By Moneer Al-Omari  Like the Yemeni government, Yemeni businessmen have not disclosed the volume of their direct or indirect losses under the current financial crisis. There have been no official or exact figures about the volume of financial losses incurred by the world crisis on both sides. Moreover, there is a disagreement between economists and financial experts over the effect of the world financial crisis on Yemen. Some see that the country's economy in particular and banking sector in general have not been affected, while others see the opposite. Sana'a University Professor Ahmed Ismail Al-Bawab, also a financial expert working for the Yemen Bank for Reconstruction and Development, stated to the Yemen Post that Yemen will never get affected by the current world crisis, specifically when the country has no investments outside the country. Al-Bawab continued that the country was hardly affected by the c...

Search for Pornographic Material on Rise; Children are most Vulnerable

By Moneer Al-Omari The search for bad material surpasses by far the search for useful and good things available on the internet for many in Yemen. According to Google Trends, Arabs are ranked first concerning search for sex and other linked material. Yemen Net or Teleyemen, Yemen's internet providers have sought to block any website containing porn content and other materials that goes against the Islamic principles. Further, Information Ministry has ordered the owners of internet cafes nationwide to remove the shields that were made in the past to separate one user from another. According to the resolution, computer screens should be directed towards the front and there should be nothing that prevents others watching what are you surfing. Internet café owner Ibrahim Sa'eed, 26, pointed out that there is less browsing of pornographic websites because these sites are regularly filtered out and blocked...