التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, 2008

Money Laundering Badly Affects Economies; Eleven Cases Recorded in Yemen

By: Moneer Al-Omari According to economic experts, money laundering is among the risks that afflict economies and, sometimes, leads to the collapse of economic systems. However, the spread of this phenomenon is different from one country to another. Officials of the Yemeni Central Bank revealed that there had been 11 cases of money laundering in Yemen, two of which are now being looked into by judiciary. In a symposium that addressed the "Risks of Money Laundering on the National Economy" and organized by the Economic Information and Studies Center as well as the Banking Magazine, head of Information Collecting Unit at the Central Bank Abdu Saif pointed out that there were just 11 cases of money laundering discovered over the last four years. Saif revealed that one of these cases was receiving money from abroad and another one was connected with drug smuggling, hinting that money laundering activities a...